Tuesday, March 17, 2009

T: -1 days to nationals

I'm in the my room at the Radisson right now, I just finished warming up a little while ago and now I need to do some shaving, but I thought I'd write a little update first.

We left Northfield around 11:30; I rode with Brooke, Kate, and Kale. We had to stop at Brooke's house so she could get her shampoo and conditioner. We stopped in and chatted with Brooke's dad, Tim, for a bit. Highlight: Kate changing topics to "I have an eraser in my pocket" pretty much midsentence and Tim then telling us how to cheat on tests by writing the answers on our eraser.

After leaving Northfield we had a near death experience when the car in front of us braked really fast. We were saved by Brooke's superior braking skills. Nearly direct quote from Brooke: "good thing I have strong legs."

We stopped in B-ville (represent!) for some lunch at Breugger's. Sandwiches were delicious. Highlight: Maggie does short skit playing three characters using only a folded up napkin.

We got to the hotel and registered. My room connects with Kate and Becky's. The gifts this year are: Camelbak water bottle with candy in it, reversible NCAA championships hat, and a swimming/diving championship pillow and blanket.

The only downside so far is that the girls unanimously decided that my moustache has to go; they even threatened not to sit with me at the meet if it doesn't. I guess I'm going to have to trade in the power-moustache look for the clean-shaven-D-bag-who-thinks-he-looks-cool-with-his-hat-cocked look.

Post Dinner Update:

I'm now hanging out in the Alexander's room, but the Alexander's all left to see their parents, so it's me just Kale, Kaarin, and me.

I saw Karin (yes with one a) before dinner. She did not have many nice things to say about my moustache and said that I needed to shave it before dinner, so now I am moustacheless. It's a bit sad, but less itchy. Karin was doing well.

The Alexanders were searching for Gary Roberson from the Williams team earlier today; it went something like this:
At the pool to me: "Did you see Gary in the locker room?" Me: "I don't know what he looks like." One of the Alexanders: "He's tall and has abs." Me: "I didn't see anyone with abs."
At the hotel, the Williams team is in the lobby, each one of the Alexanders: "Gary?"
Leaving for dinner, Gary Roberson is standing outside his door (Williams is on our floor), the Alexanders: "Gary!"
Gary looks very awkward and doesn't really know what to do. He says hi, awkward moment, Andy introduces himself, awkward moment, we go to dinner.

At dinner Andy tells us about a study where they found that people are more likely to do what you want if you use the word because when justifying why that person should do it. After dinner Andy sees another coach with several plates of cookies and asks him for some because we didn't get any (we actually did). Several coaches spend the next couple minutes finding leftover cookies at other tables and bringing them to us. Success.

Most teams have left and Maggie goes up to the podium so that we can get a picture of her pretending to give a speech. As she's about to leave she decides to start saying something into the mike, as if she actually is giving a speech; it turns out the mike is still on; everyone who's still in the banquet hall looks up at her. We decide to stop making scenes, get someone to take a picture of us, then make our glorious exit, picking up all of the programs and other little goodies we see left behind on the way out. Success.

I'm going to go touch up my shaving job then relax before going to bed now.


  1. sad about the 'stache. but good luck kickin' some ass.

  2. Ted! Remember what I said. It was something like "forget about everything and just swim your heart out." Of course I don't want you to forget how to swim, but you get the picture.

  3. If tim is sad about the `stache, I'm VERY sad about the 'stache.

    But i'm glad you had such a sucessful evening. And it sounds like a VERY entaining evening.

  4. 2 misspelled words Mark! 2! The amount of fun one is having corresponds directly with their ability to spell. Good work on having so much fun at 3:05 AM!

  5. I think technically what you're getting at BK is that the amount of fun one is having is inversely correlated to one's ability to spell. High levels of fun will be accompanied by lower spelling ability. Yes.
