Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fish...and plants...and you acting like you care!

Apologies in advance for not being able to a) hold a camera still or b) own a tripod:

Don't you want to know what is in the tank? And don't you want to see the other tank too?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter Squash Soup

in Rochester, NY, USA
So this is something new—a recipe!

I enjoy cooking and I've tried a descent number of new recipes since starting grad school.  Some turn out better than others.  I thought this one turned out very well, so I thought I'd share.

Squash soup is definitely one of my favorite soups.  It fills me up with a warm, happy feeling as soon as I taste it, so it is perfect for long, cold winter nights.  It's also perfect because this is the traditional season for  squash, so its more sustainable than making, say, a gazpacho.

When I cook, I tend to read a few recipes and then roughly follow a combination of them, so I apologize for any inexactness hereinafter.  But it still turned out really well despite the lack of recipe, so I think it's a very modifiable dish.  It took me a little under two hours in total to make, but it doesn't require constant attention so I was doing other things while it was cooking as well.  So overall I think it's pretty easy, and yummy.