Sunday, October 10, 2010

Post-Game Report: The Wish List

Let's see how we did. Bold means accomplished. More recap to come soon.

1. Honor the Entry
2. Get Basils no earlier than 1:30am
3. Somehow break into west
4. Tag Stadium 110 somewhere on campus
5. duct tape someone who hasn't graduated (from Carleton) yet.
6. Get Mark riled up about something that no one really cares about
7. Dance to Yadda Yadda Yadda
8. Consume more than one bottle of the cobra.
9. Play stadium 110 or chandeliers
10. drunk dial toto
11. drunk skype Alfredo
12. Cheers the Mark Olson Way
13) Raveball
14) Duct tape Nonberg
15) Let the good times roll
16) Buy a keg
17) Drink beer from the keg
18) Have a keg toss
20) Go through the Gauntlet
21) Play YES! by LMFAO
22) Have a damn good time
23) And duct tape Nonberg
24) Shotgun in Stadium
25) Make a freshman do a keg stand
26) Make a freshman drink the cobra
28) Eat tavern breakfast
29) Drink in the afternoon
30) Present a Powerpoint
31a) Get accosted by security because they think we're students
31b) Explain to security that we're alumni
32) Play Beirut / Flip Cup
33) Get Basil's before 1:30 AM
34) Make plans with drunk Craig
35) Evade Security
36) Talk about how great Stadium 110 was, and how other people "don't even know"
37) Oh yeah, swim to victory

21 out of 37 = 56%.
BUT we are grading on a curve.
So I'd say we did quite well.