Monday, March 16, 2009

The Breaking of the Fellowship

Today the men of Stadium 110 part ways forever. The memory of the past 2 terms will melt away and be replaced by a new order. As the leaving member of the Ocho, I feel it proper to write an epilogue to the 20 weeks that I have spent among the residents of Stadium 110 and 203.

Essentially, this is the Lord of the Rings, and the nine of us (including John) are the Fellowship of the Ring. John was Gandolf and left us fall term, but I got cast as Boromir, which means I get shot like 30 times and have to die/leave.

But Gandolf is coming back, which is pretty cool. Will John be so much wiser that he graduates from Grey to White?

I love every single member of the Ocho. You are my family and it is more difficult for me to leave you than it is to leave my actual family at home. I'm so thankful that I was given the opportunity to get to know each of you better.
Mark - You are the best bunkmate ever. We've had so many great conversations and good times they would be impossible to attempt to recount. Although we were good friends last year, I had no idea that we would get along so well this year. Let's keep it up next year, ok?
Ted - Last year I felt that I didn't know you very well and wasn't very sure what it would be like to live with you. Even in the room you don't talk much, unless we get on politics and you talk a lot. Living with you has led me to realize how humble and gracious you actually are, and that I'm going to miss you a lot you.
Nonberg - Dude. How is it over? It seems like I prospied with you just a few months ago. I learned a lot about you this year (a lot that I didn't want to know) and I'm sad that I never got to room with you. We made up for the lack of pillow talk with other forms of semi-conscious talk, though. Live it up this spring!
Toto - You are the favorite resident of Stadium 110 for a reason: you're the nicest/coolest guy I know. Remember when we came and visited Stadium, thinking we might get a triple? I don't think we could have imagined that it would end up this well. We had some awesome late night pranks and talks. I'll see you at Nats, but as soon as I'm out of denial about not seeing you until October I'm going to start bawling.
Tim - I didn't know you at all before this year, and we didn't really hang out till this winter. Which is stupid because we get along so well. We had some great times this term, even though you almost died. I love you!
Elliot - It took me a while to realize what a relaxed, friendly guy you are, and you're one of my favorite people to party with. Don't play Oblivion too much this spring, go outside! And don't let my absence keep you from getting in trouble!
Alfredo - Next year is going to be epic. Having you join the Ocho this winter was a treat, and we have to keep it up next year. Have fun with Mark and Nonberg in the triple, don't fall off the top bunk, and never ever lose at Fight Night.

This was actually very sad to write, I suddenly realized just how far away the Alumni Meet is. I'll get to see most of you at Nats before I leave. Keep this as my farewell:


  1. BK to Elliot:

    "Do't let my absense keep you from getting in trouble..."

    such a coded sentence

  2. I knew you guys would read through the lines.
