Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Video Games: Because we have a big ol TV, but no cable

Now, I haven't played T.A. in a long time, but this made me think of it and made me laugh.

T.A. may have taken a backseat to Alfredo's panda power attempts at beating really fast drag racers in Need for Speed Pro Street, but I still know (in fact I really don't even know the half of it) that T.A. has a special place in Stadium 110's collective heart.

Breaking down the video game zeitgeist from the past 7 months:
  • Sept/Oct/Nov - Call of Duty 4 and only Call of Duty 4 is played... Elliot is amazing, Nonberg and BK snipe, Ted plays a lot, Toto plays very little.
  • Jan/Feb - Someone (I think BK) convinces Nonberg to purchase Little Big Planet. We play it all throughout dry season. Tim thinks it sucks, but than plays it and realizes its awesome. We play it until we get to a hard level with bombs and missiles, and we kinda give up. COD4 is still played consistently. Ted plays it much more often than anyone else and somewhere down the line surpasses Elliot as king of COD. We also start playing TA on a somewhat regular basis. Post swim season Elliot starts a game called Oblivion. Fight night may have been played once or twice to settle an old score between two past Casa roommates.
  • Mar/April - Alfreddy moves in and starts playing Need for Speed Pro Street. When he drag races in a car with a panda on it, the gods smile and everyone is happy. Elliot and Nonberg plays Oblivion a lot. COD is played occasionally.

With 5 weeks left in the term, will the tides change? Will TA get played as much as it did? Will we all whip out our game boys and start playing pokemon instead?
Who knows? Honestly, as it gets nicer out, we'll probably (hopefully) be spending more time throwing around the vortex than getting vortexed into watching Elliot kill cat-begger-lion mages who give him quests and tell him about rumors.


  1. hey hey let's play ta tonight. and we can jumpstyle too.

  2. Yeah seriously Oblivion was boring even if I was somehow intoxicated. TA, LBP, and COD4: always cool. LBP: especially while "intoxicated."

  3. slash let's bring lbp back. that shit was tight.

  4. do you know that you linked an oblivion picture to NFS?
