Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bacon and you

So midterm break is approaching quickly. Maybe you're thinking about participating in the Quidditch tournament. Or maybe you're going to the cheese tasting on Sunday. Or maybe, just maybe, you're planning on imbibing a wee bit. Well, the good folks here in Stadium 110 have you covered.

Some people get aggressive when they drink too much (Mark), some people hug me a lot (BK), and some people eat my damn mac and cheese (freshman chick from last week). But everyone gets hangovers. You've tried coffee, bananas, and more drinking, but none seem to do the trick. You need to try something new. Something radical. Something greasy.

That's right, you need to wake up and smell the bacon.

This blog has extolled the (numerous and highly valid) virtues of bacon before, but this time we even have science on our side.  According to a recent study done in the UK, bacon helps to speed up your metabolism, allowing your body to purge the horrible poisons more quickly.  Moreover,

"Bingeing on alcohol depletes neurotransmitters too, but bacon contains a high level of aminos which tops these up, giving you a clearer head."

So if I'm reading that right, alcohol makes you stupid, but bacon makes you smarter.  ΔIntelligence = 0.  Good to go.

So on Saturday/Sunday/Monday when you wake up with a recently vacated stomach and a head throbbing with a vague sense of guilt, head over to the frying pan and go nuts.  It's good for you.*

*probably not actually

1 comment:

  1. This HIGHLY informative post will be utilized this weekend. FO SHO!

    And although I am never fully trusting of English periodicals, I will believe this because I trust Toto... with my life (and more specifically, my health).
