Tuesday, May 19, 2009

OLE-BALL and My First Experience in a Carleton Publicaton

Not this past weekend, but the one before that, the Men and Women Carleton's Swim Team joined with the St. Olaf Swim Team for a tradition that we like to call OLE-BALL! This tradition consists of a couple of Kegs, Pigeon Field, Beer Ball, and a bunch of swimmers. After a few hours of Ole vs. Knight beer ball, bat races, and line chugs, we usually head to the dining hall and have a 90 person drunk dining hall experience that consists of drunken cheering, chanting, singing, tame food fights and merriment. In the past, the teams have done this on the morning of Spring Concert. Starting at 9am, heading to brunch at around 11 or so, and then going to Spring Concert a lil after Noon.

Because of a different finals schedule for them than in previous years, the OLEs could not do OLE BALL on the morning of Spring Concert. So we decided to do it a week earlier and in the afternoon. So at 5:00pm on Saturday the 9th of May, we met on Pigeon field to drink and play ball. We then stormed across campus to Burton dining hall and took over half of the dining hall about 10 min before they were going to close.

The dining hall workers didn't know what hit them.

We then proceeded to a townhouse for a good old dance party. It was all good and fun and at 11pm, after drinking for 6 hours straight, when it felt like 2am... some of us went back to the room to watch Fellowship of the Ring.

Here is where I am going to put my own personal perspective of how the night progressed. I drank a lot that night. And as the party died down and we were leaving, I grabbed a few cups of the strong Rum and Fruit Juice drink that was in the ever recognizable Carleton trash/recycling bins... and chugged them down. I also brought a few home with me to enjoy whilst watching LOTR.

I enjoyed watching the movie. But I also drank those two drinks... and those drinks compelled me to write an email. An email to Carleton's weekly "we'll publish anything" publication, The CLAP. This publication is known for its willingness to publish anything, its prevalence to ridicule anonymous submitters, and the large number of drunken rants that are published each week.

I really don't remember my motives. I think I decided that it was a good time to write an article calling out the girl who ate Toto's easy mac, although that isn't crystal clear in the article.

Well longer story short, It got published.
I present to you, my first experience in a Carleton Publication:


From: Mark
Cc: "Tim", "Timothy", "Ted", "Annie", "Ryan", "Elliot", "Ray", "Emma"
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 12:53:20 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: tbe clap

hey clap,
i wrote something last year to the clao but as aswim team member bvt now since we odont have allsasa grsh to unsult we oinly have bithces to insult

first off. yes i drank with ole ball with oles in burton on sauteday night with oles. in burton. it was a shit show. and now after housrs of beer ball and drinking in IM softball with a keg or two or three. i drink in brooks house town house adn now in sadium the quint 110 BITCHES. you know you miss it because we did it all the time fall term and now we keep tooursleves because we do it. but heck iout gouter bolg fit will work.

so fuck that oine grilr probashriftisz who took tototototototototot''s easty mack . FUCK YOU. Do you really think that taking a easy mac from a stranger's food shelf who is on the 5 MEAL PLAN is cool? yor a bitch. FUCK you. RANT TRANT RANT RANT...


i wont be anonymous.
i love carleotn
i hate vitches

yeah lotr
boo bitches who steal easy mach

lass of 230111

maybe the rewt of stadium 110, but byabes bott


  1. Woot. "Yeah lotr."
    The sentences that have the fewest grammatical errors:
    "It was a shit show."
    "you know you miss it because we did it all the time fall term and now we keep tooursleves because we do it."
    "FUCK YOU. Do you really think that taking a easy mac from a stranger's food shelf who is on the 5 MEAL PLAN is cool? yor a bitch. FUCK you. RANT TRANT RANT RANT..."
    How the hell did you manage: "Do you really think that taking a easy mac from a stranger's food shelf who is on the 5 MEAL PLAN is cool?" You must have been quite angry at the moment to invest such concentration.

  2. Wow.
    That's fucking amazing. JUST fucking amazing.
    could you translate one section of your letter please? "...[but]now since we odont have allsasa grsh to unsult we oinly have bithces to insult."
    What is 'allsasa grsh?'
    Also, my Wolfram|Alpha's calculations, being in the 'lass' of 230111 puts you about 228102 years from graduation. Which by my calculation puts you a bazillion dollars in debt and probably into full liver failure.
    Congrats on a letter well written.
    Let us know if Toto's friend responds.
