Sunday, May 17, 2009

This Poll Excludes Me

So none of those poll answers apply to me. This makes it 2 polls in a row that I haven't voted for. Which means the only poll I have voted in, I voted for myself.
Anyway, today I went to a city to the south of Moscow called Tula, which is best known as the hometown of Lev Tolstoy. It is also known for it's samovars (crazy Russian tea kettles) and pryanchiki (delicious honey ginger cakes). It has a small kremlin in the center of the town, as well as a big Lenin statue.

The center of the town also has wooden houses from before the Revolution. Some of them are burned down, some just look like they're about to fall down.

It was also interesting to go on a road trip and see the Russian countryside. It consists mostly of birch forests and lakes. Very similar to US scenery. I actually was shocked at one point to see an onion dome church because I wasn't thinking about being in Russia. There are gas stations everywhere too. Gas is about 60 cents a liter here. I don't know how that converts to gallons. I went into one in hopes of getting a Coke, which I did, only they don't refrigerate Coke. The only refrigerated beverage is beer. And then I went to the bathroom and it cost me 30 cents. Russia.


  1. wolfram alpha says that 60 cents per liter is equivalent to $2.27 per gallon.

    Still no girls though...

  2. Elliot, thank you for using Wolfram Alpha to do that.
    You could probably get it in Euros too.

  3. Ok so I just used Wolfram Alpha to convert from 19 rubles a liter to dollars per gallon. It's 2.29. So cool.
