Friday, March 13, 2009

Thoughts of the Other Day

I had an idea the other day. Actually, I had two ideas the other day. One at a time.

ONE - Lighthouses. Lighthouses are amazing. Dan Deacon told us this in "Drinking Out Of Cups." But seriously, think about how awesome lighthouses are. For example:

Beautiful. Yes yes, you say, lighthouses are great, if I didn't realize that, I would suck, and you're reading this blog so obviously you don't suck. To get to the point: I was walking to campus from Stadium and it was one of those still, clear nights that only happen in winter, and I looked up and for a few seconds I imagined that the Carleton smoke stack had transformed into a lighthouse. Which got me thinking: Carleton needs a lighthouse. And it should be a residence, like a townhouse. If I were to build it, it would be placed on top of the Labyrinth (why do we even have that?) and would feature spiral staircases. If I ever become a billionaire, I'm donating money to Carleton with the stipulation that they build a lighthouse for students to live in. Here's a basic idea of what it would look like.

TWO - So I was watching a friend playing the new Mario soccer game, "Super Mario Strikers Charged." I have no idea as to how good the game is, all I know is that at the time I thoroughly enjoyed watching it because it has bright colors. While watching the game, I started focusing on the characters played by the computer and how they acted with relation to the motion and location of the ball. There is a very general trend of the computer characters changing direction every time the ball changes direction, which is expected. Here's a clip for an example. Again, why am I mentioning this? Well, I realized that one could write a computer program similar to the Mario Strikers computer that has points follow another point, and the motions of all the points are based on the motion of the single point. Hard to describe, but you get it. Well, if you made those points really bright and colorful and gave them trails as they moved, you could create the coolest visualizer ever ever. For real.

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