Friday, March 13, 2009

Black Lights, White Tees, and a farewell to BK

Last night marked the end of an era in Stadium 110. Our very own BK is saying farewell to the dwelling and the people he loves to pursue his studies in Russia. He will be missed. As sad as BK's departure will be, the members of Stadium 110 saw him off in grand fashion.
The lights that once contained boring florescent bulbs were transformed into beacons of hope for those who demanded that their white articles of clothing (and teeth) glow. As the black lights flooded the room, so did the people. Around 11:00pm the common area of stadium 110 was filled with friends, pseudo acquaintances, and the completely random person looking for a party.
The biggest highlight of the night was not the awesome black lights or the fact that people were dancing on tables, but the pornographic scenes occurring right next to BK's desk. These people were not simply doing the bump and grind, but dry humping the bejesus out of each other. Positions like doggie style, reverse cowgirl, and the always evocative legs behind the head were performed.

So with all that said, not only will the black lights remind our room of BK, but the dirty dirty things that were occurring beneath them.

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