Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Free-Ho is a dirty, filthy liar. Also: me becoming an adult.

Hello all. I have been planning on my first post relating to my foray into the land of becoming a pseudo-musician. Unfortunately, that will have to wait a few more days. Instead I need to address something that occurred this past weekend.

Yes. I was in DC. Yes. I got to see Free-Ho, Elliot, Jen, Julia, Barb, K Sloan, and some random other Carls. As you certainly noticed there was no drunken/blackout posting by me, despite Free-Ho's promises. I can think of two reasons for this.
1) I made the mistake (or had the brilliant foresight?) to register a random e-mail address to this website so that google couldn't follow my EVERY move. Of course this meant that I had to spend the last ten minutes guessing eight-thousand iterations of all of my passwords to figure out which I used for the registration here. I clearly would not have been able to figure out my password if I had been drunk.
2) I may have finally learned how to drink like a real life adult. The first time I ever drank was two weeks before I showed up at Carleton. Predictably, I ended up passing out on the floor of a locked bathroom after getting sick. This was the start of my inability to practice moderation of any sort. If you put alcohol infront of me I will drink it, and I will drink it quickly. Many of you have witnessed this amazing trait of mine in regards to junkfood. 1 lb of peanut butter with a spoon in 15 minutes I am looking at you. My drinking in college often saw me have a great time and feel fine UNTIL I laid down in bed. The second my head hit the pillow I would get nauseas and become sick. My nights would be unpleasant for a few minutes, but I would never get hungover. As I have aged I have stopped getting sick, and instead I have begun waking up with a wicked hangover and a very fuzzy memory of the previous night. Usually I only realize I have sent some ill-advised text messages, but there has been the occasional night in the drunk tank on halloween. There have still been the occasional nights where I get sick and gloriously throw up off of a 7th floor balcony. None of this drinking comes close to being anything "responsible".

So, this past weekend may have come as a complete shock to myself and everyone involved. I managed to drink three nights in a row, get fairly drunk each time, and not make a fool of myself. There was no getting sick, no blacking out, and very minimal levels of hangovers. Sure I woke up one morning at 5:30am with a colander on my head, but that is to be expected anytime DFH gets a hold of a sharpie and decides he wants to draw on people who are simply tired and laying on the floor without any shoes on.

I'm not exactly sure what it was that told me to stop being an idiot and drink less, but whatever it is I am happy it manifested itself. There is something fantastic about being able to get a bit intoxicated with good friends, have a great time, and regret nothing in the morning. Lets hope this responsibility thing hangs around for a while.

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