Saturday, August 29, 2009

Remember the Bacon Explosion?

How bout this one?

Follow up: Taken from the Huffington Post Article by Katherine Goldstein:
UPDATE 8/24:

The Vancouver Sun has done an independent calorie analysis for the "Double Down" and has concluded the "sandwich" likely has 1228 calories.

But if our figures hold true, and KFC won't confirm they don't, the Double Down is more caloriffic than the Wendy's Triple with Everything and Cheese (1700 mg sodium, 960 calories, 26 gms of fat), the Burger King Stacker Quad (1770 sodium, 1020 calories, 69 gms of fat), and compares closely to the fat, salt and calorie totals of three McDonalds Big Macs put together (3060 sodium, 1620 calories, 87 gms fat).

UPDATE 8/25:

Rick Maynard with KFC public relations contacted us to say KFC estimates the numbers from The Vancouver Sun are inaccurate. According to their estimates, although they have not done an official workup the Double Down contains the following nutritional information:

Calories: 590
Calories from fat: 280
Total fat: 31g
Saturated fat: 10g
Trans fat: 0g
Cholesterol: 190mg

1 comment:

  1. I think I'd rather eat the bacon explosion, which is also probably leagues above this in calorie content.
