Monday, April 13, 2009

The Re-Birth

Someone pointed out today that "our blog is dying". Let's face it, that person is right. We have not posted in awhile. People have been finishing up their comprehensive exams, had lots of home work, and BK has probably been arrested by the KGB for disclosing information about Moscow. (The church he took a picture of was probably a missile silo).
So the big question is, how do we bring our blog to the point where it does not have to be on life support? This is where you (the readers) come in. Comments and suggestions are two simple ways in which you can help add to our blog. The more you comment and suggest, the more we can respond to your specific needs.
In the mean time we will do our best to post about more fun issues and continue to stream Stadium 110 live for your viewing pleasure. Moreover, we will also be needing your help for the next Stadium 110 social function, so get excited for that.


  1. may i suggest tim do a mojo tutorial post?

  2. Agreed. People need to comment more. And Tim, Ted, Alfredo, and Toto haven't posted in forever. Well Toto has, but it's been too technical. I want real insightful shit. Bitches need to get on their game.
