Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Saturday: A (Fuzzy) Recap

So there have been a number of comments about how we've been blogging less. This has been discussed. However, that does not mean that we have not been both a) busy and active in our social lives, and b) stoking our creative genius with other technological endeavors. It just so happens that these two things have occurred by means other than blogging.

As an example of (a) occurring, we had Easter Saturday. As an example of (b) occurring, Mark and I produced a PowerPoint presentation to explain how we would successfully navigate (a). Thus, we have been participating in both (a) and (b). Just not on the blog. So suck it.

Anyway, the PowerPoint will be up soon. I don't know when. Soon. More pressing, of course, is a (fuzzy) recap of our experiences on Easter Saturday.

I roused myself at 10:30am. I was not completely awake (having gone to sleep at 4) and had a somewhat fuzzy head, but mustered the courage to emerge from the sheets, dress myself, and make some Yogi Teas Detox Blend. I carried my cup downstairs, walked in Stadium 110, groaned, and collapsed onto the couch. At that point, I had about 1 hour and 15 minutes before Easter Saturday would commence. To prepare myself, I needed to eat. Donuts. From the Holiday.

I borrowed Nonberg's keys, drove to the Holiday, bought a coffee and 6 awesome donuts, and drove back. We ate them. Mark gave me some smoothie that he made. We listened to some music to get us pumped up, and then departed for a long journey to the depths of the Carleton Arboretum.

After a 5 minute hike, we arrived, and (not so) coincidentally the festivities occurred. We searched for Easter eggs, exchanged them for our glorious rewards, and searched for more. I'm not quite sure how time passed, but I know the following:

1. Mark and I left after a little while to get him some shoes, since he apparently had decided to walk to the arb barefoot. During this walk, we debated whether or not we should take the risk of carrying Solo cups across campus. Courage prevailed over what security would call common sense and we successfully carried them to the room and back. Sadly, we arrived to see Alfredo was sitting in the room and not at Easter. I guess we sort of knew that would happen when we arrived, but it's worth noting nonetheless.
2. Mark and I returned to Easter. His feet were outfitted with adidas adissage sandals (circa 2001). My footwear had not changed.
3. I think we probably searched for a few more eggs at this point.
4. Around 3pm (?) we decided we'd had enough! It was time for food! So, we walked to the room and nicely asked Alfredo to drive us, in Mark's car, to Erbert's and Gerbert's! This was fine, apparently, since Mark was in the car.
5. When we got there, we decided to order. So we did. And then we made really creepy voices for a long time, narrating what the sandwich artists were doing as we watched them. I think they were about 50% creeped out and 50% slightly amused. For an idea of the voice, called my friend from home, Morgan, and ask him to do the creepy voice from the summer. And also, tell him that you're referring to the voice that I used when I called him to tell him that I used the voice. Does that follow?
6. We soon returned with delicious Tappys and Tullii (Tulliuses?), and made our way back into the deep woods.
7. At some point Ted and I bravely threw ping pong balls into red cups.
8. Then we left for a nap. I apparently called my sister as I carried a pitcher (which I found in the fridge the next morning), and Ted and Mark carried a large blue bench.
9. We partook in a team nap in the loft. We awoke after 40 minutes to go to dinner. Mark says my brother called during this nap. My phone says the conversation lasted 1 second.
10. We ate dinner. Burgers and pizza. Delicious ice cream sundaes. I think I talked to Lauren Knoche. I also think that Mark threw food at a shirtless Schlaefer?

The end of Easter Saturday. The rest was synchro show stuff and I'm sort of tired of typing so I'm going to stop.

I will do an informative (Toto-style) post on Mojo, even though it's pretty much intuitive and there's not much to say.

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