Thursday, April 9, 2009

Synchro show

The Carleton Synchronized Swimming Team has its annual show tomorrow (friday) and saturday at 8pm CST. As usual, there will be a special guest appearance by the illustrious and enigmatic Carleton Men's Synchronized Swimming Team. Stadium 110 plays a large role in this show, and has decided to do its best to broadcast these shows to you over the internet, through our shiny new streaming webcast. So if all goes according to plan, come here at ~8pm tomorrow or the next day and click on the ustream link on the right. Prepare to be amazed.


  1. If it weren't 5am here, I'd so be there. Toto, genious.

  2. I think we're going to record it, so it should be viewable later too... we take care of our Russian cohorts.
