Monday, October 5, 2009

Thoughts on the Weekend

As always, last weekend went by far too quickly. Of course, being alumni weekend, it went by even faster than usual. But what little time we had was jam packed with tomfoolery, debauchery, half-baked schemes, nostalgia, and just general fun.

At first it was strange walking around Northfield and Carleton but knowing that it was no longer my home. But as the weekend went on the familiar feelings consumed the unfamiliar, and I felt at home once again.

Despite not setting foot in the illustrious confines of Stadium 110, there was a lot to remind me of last year, and the years before it as well.
  1. The meet itself. Despite being a year older and considerably more hung-over this year, the meet itself was the same as always, and the atmosphere embodied the spirit of my Carleton swimming memories.
  2. The homecoming game. Beating the Oles (and winning in general) was much more reminiscent of last year than any of my other years. The near fourth-quarter meltdown was also mostly reminiscent of last year.
  3. Video games. But I can't believe we never even thought about getting a Wii last year.
  4. Lamenting the loss of the Carleton Penis.
  5. Upper Dow party. This reminds me much more of my first two years when the swim team got scandalous in Dow. But the cast was nearly the same as last year at Stadium 110 parties.
  6. Beating undergrads in Beirut (Thank you to the guy whose jacket I borrowed because I thought it looked lucky. It was lucky.)
  7. The Cow, The Reub, Ho Bros, Basil's
  8. First Mate Charlie

In response to Mark's post. I'd say that it's not necessarily the values of Stadium 110 that set us apart. It's the way we embrace them and claim self-entitled ownership of them. This may not sound like a good thing. But I honestly mean it in the best possible way.

By the way, this weekend was midway through the 7th lunar phase of The International Year of Stadium 110: The International Celebration.

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