Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Reinforcement of Values

As I sit in the shithole that is Dow House right now after a weekend like this one, I do the only thing an astute Carleton student would do; engage in the practice of insightful reflection.

...Or I'm just putting off the scrubbing of the bloody kitchen floor that desperately needs tending to.

So lets get down to it. For me, this weekend was a reinforcement of the values and principles of Stadium 110.

We had it all. We spent some quality time at west during the swim meet, enjoyed some time at the northfield bars, ate some northfield food, enjoyed time with the coaches, went to the football game, and played some video games.

And then in the evening! Nonberg DJ-ed a bit, Bk had his jacket, we drank out of cups, Scuba girl was there (Toto, I saw her this morning and I think she was trying to avoid eye contact, but I said "Hey!" anyways), some of us went on adventures to Boliou/ Sevy, there was inappropriate dancing on tables, Tim and Ted playing pong together, doing and planning various debaucherous activities.

It almost felt as if it was last year. It actually felt a little weird not waking up in Stadium this morning... Actually it felt a little weird waking up anyways, probably because I slept on the floor and woke up with my winter hat on.

But its not last year. And can never be. In fact, last night was missing some key pieces as well. We dearly missed Elliot's presence and once Toto(tototototototo) left, there was a hole in my heart to be sure. Not to mention, we weren't in Stadium.

But even so, last night was a reinforcement of why I try every god-given day to life my life in a Stadium 110 fashion. I tried to explain Stadium to Kellen and Julia whilst talking to them on the other side of Dow, but they just couldn't get it. In fact, I don't know if many other people "get it."

Now, I am not saying that those who did not live in Laird Stadium cannot subscribe to these principles of drinking, debauchery and fun* and I am not saying that these same values are not embraced by other blocs or communities (such as the past swimmers of Dow House, whom I learned much about from the Dow history lesson given by Julia a mere 10 hours ago).

A fun weekend to be sure, and while it'll just get harder and harder to gather in such as manner, that'll just make it even better when we all do.

I guess I'll put my sharpie and my copy of 10 Things I Hate About You and wait till next year...

*While I agree that these a values which are pretty much embraced by all college students, I would argue that the way we go about doing them is what makes the Stadium 110 Lifestyle different. (Examples: drinking - finishing off a keg on the morning of Spring Concert/Tasting the Rainbow, debauchery - stealing benches from soccer fields, clocks from sayles, moving Nonberg's desk into the bathroom, radio terrorism, and making Anna Gallager think her roommate has gone missing, fun - The crow's nest, blacklights, and drunk dining hall with shades.)


  1. ...and we even topped it all off with Basil's gyro pizza this evening.

    This post is awesome.
