Monday, April 20, 2009

The Vince Shlomi Legal Fund - Pt. 2

Happy 4-20! For a nice article about the origins of the term 420 and its connection to weed, check out this article over at the Huffington Post that Tim so graciously showed me earlier today.

And I also hope you all had a good weekend. But now is the time for business. Here we go:

I decided to do some research about what has been happening with our buddy Vince Shlomi... Or should I say Vince Offer. Turns out his real name is Offer. This led me to realize I knew very little about this American Hero. So I decided to get my hands dirty. Turns out they were gonna get REAL dirty:

Let's start from the beginning.

Vince Offer was born in Israel in 1964. (Older than you thought he was, eh?)
Little is known about his early years, but in 1999, he decided to write, direct, and act in his own movie, The Underground Comedy Movie. Critics hated it, and it was pretty much a box office failure. If you can't seem to understand why by just looking at the movie poster, maybe watching the trailer will help you. The movie looks absolutely terrible, yet one youtube viewer says, "It's better than the reviews say it is. It's got the Asian guy from MAD TV, the black dude from The Green Mile, and the white chick from that one beer commercial." Hm.. do I trust a random stranger on youtube or my own good judgment?

So the movie, which he had funded completely on his own, was a disaster. How would he make his money back? According to an interview with CNBC, Vince was inspired by GIRLS GONE WILD (I kid you not) and decided to sell the movie VIA INFOMERCIAL... finally... the pieces are all falling into place... Girls, Offer, Infomercial...

He then decided to go a lil more mainstream, and that is where the ShamWow came into being. And the rest is history...

Except for the whole beating of a hooker. Let's go more into that, shall we?
According to the Smoking Gun, "Shlomi told cops he paid Harris about $1000 in cash after she "propositioned him for straight sex." Shlomi said that when he kissed Harris, she suddenly "bit his tongue and would not let go." Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue." The police reports tell a similar story.
Imagine this guy beating up this girl, all while using this thing. Okay, so maybe it didn't happen like that exactly. But still.

The dirty ass man who played Batman, Fetus Salesman, JJ Cool, Flirty Harry, and Vincenzo Bulafungu (all according to IMDB) beat up a hooker and got away with it! For now... According to Huffington Post, "Harris is reportedly considering a lawsuit against Shlomi, though prosecutors 'declined to file formal charges' against him."

As for the legal fund, KEEP THE CONTRIBUTIONS COMING! Even with these new developments, the name of the fund will continue to known as the Vince Shlomi Legal Fund.
Right now, I'm... um... holding on to the money now. And the next time I see Vince I'll give it to him. Or maybe I'll just buy a shamwow, or booze.

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