Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Am I gonna have to go 1776 on yo ass?

BBC, wtf? Last week, I was on and looking at the news. I often glance at the Top 5 Articles most read/ most emailed to others. Its tells me a lil something about what the other people who are reading think is important/think would be imperative to send to friends or family.

Ok, brace yourself. THIS was NUMBER ONE on the BBC's most sent article list...
Not news and its not worth sending to your friends or family. Plus if you look at the date, its from 2007! How did one night last week 1,000s of people decide to look at this article?

And this isn't a one time fluke...
Some other Gem's that Ted and I have collected in recent times of STELLAR NEWS ARTICLES POSTED BY THE BBC:
Man Trapped By Sofa Sipped Whisky
Cat Found Buried in Walls of House
Police Man Captures Giant Pet
US Military Pondered 'Gay Bomb'

So the next time you think "human interest" stories are just for the last 1.5 min of the news on TV, think again! And find your way over to where the videos of British people talking about their farms and giant eggs reign supreme!

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