Saturday, April 25, 2009

International Year of Stadium 110 - Day 11: The Clock Wall

This post is a little bit overdue, but last week Stadium 110 installed the first two clocks of our official clock wall.

The story of the inspiration for this said clock wall goes something like this:

On the eve of the second day of the international year of Stadium 110 the men of stadium 110 enjoyed a night on the island known as Mai Fete. There was much merriment all around. With a hunger rumbling in their stomachs they returned to their spacious abode and consumed gyro pizzas delivered to their very door by a local establishment specializing in the preparation of pizza pies. Having filled their stomachs, the men of stadium 110 proceeded to conversing on the important items of the day. In the discourse of their conversation a question arose. The question was not unique to the eve, and in fact it had been posited in several different forms during previous conversations. The question was: "I wonder what BK is doing right now." This question led, as it is prone to do, to the question: "What time is it in Moscow." The men of Stadium 110 pondered this question for a significant amount of time before discovering the answer. A short time after this exchange I, your humble narrator, was struck with an idea that could forever vanquish the aforementioned situation. This idea was the world clock wall. It was proposed that on the wall of the Stadium 110 clock room there could be placed two similar looking clocks. However, the time that could be read from the two clocks would not be identical. In fact, the time on one of the clocks would read the local time in Northfield, Minnesota. But the time on the other clock would read the local time in Moscow, Russia. With the local time in Moscow forever displayed on the wall of the common room of Stadium 110, the men of stadium 110 would no longer have to ponder in exasperation the answer to the question: "What time is it in Moscow right now?"

And so, approximately one week ago we procured two clocks and hung them above the likeness of Bob Dylan that is displayed in our room. An image of these said clocks follows as proof of our endeavor.

We hope that our clock wall will bring us closer to our absent roommate.

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