Monday, June 21, 2010

The Next Step In Life

So if you haven’t heard yet I recently graduated from our very own Carleton College. I took the next step in my life and entered the real world. So what did I learn…well that I can get a chemistry degree without really knowing much about chemistry and a bunch of other stuff that I’m not sure if I’ll use again. As cliché as it might seem what I enjoyed the best were my memories and my accomplishments. So what were my accomplishments while at Carleton. Well here is a list no particular order.

Joined a Varsity Sport

Went tubing in the Cannon River

Roomed with a Jew

Roomed in Stadium

Became a Captain

Played an Instrument

Made a best friend

Got drunk before 9:00am

Got drunk before 6:00am

Peed on a couch

Stole a newspaper sign

Stole a street sign

Went abroad

Wrote a paper while drunk

Tasted the rainbow

Met First Mate Charlie

Worked reunion

Those are among a few that I can think of right now. I have also come to realize as I am sure most of you have that there are only two remaining stadium residents. Mark Olson and Bkay are going to have to hold it down next year. This also means that we should start organizing our stadium reunion brocation. I really don’t care where we go as long as it’s with you guys.

The big question: In the last few months someone has asked what I am doing after Carleton more times than I wish to remember. Instead of having all you ask me I figured I’d let you all know my plans for this summer and the year to follow. I actually leave this Thursday for Mexico to visit my ranch and actually do some ranching. I’ll be there for two weeks which means I’ll get to celebrate Mexican 4th of July while there. After I come back I will probably hang out here at home and maybe do some volunteer work for a month. Then I’m going back to Northfield at the end of August to potentially hang out with the 6th and College house. This depends on when Mark Olson heads back as well. If anything I’ll head back to see my lady friend and then we’re taking a trip to South Dakota to visit Badlands National Park. I’m sorry I’m just not as cool as Toto who took his lady friend to Ireland, but it should still be nice. Then I actually start life. I just got hired by an Alumn named Dave Halman. I will be managing a bookstore called The Spitting Llama for him in La Paz, Bolivia. I will be doing this for 6 months to a year. Since I’m not getting paid much and tickets are expensive as hell I will not be back in the U.S. until I’m done with my job. I will keep everyone posted with my experience in Bolivia and throughout the summer, but hopefully I will get to see all of you before I leave.


  1. That Jew Sounds like he stole a lot of your money. Also it was a newspaper dispenser, I think it was entitled "Good Living". When can I come visit in Bolivia? I have a shit ton of frequent flyer miles..."a shit ton" = not nearly enough to get to Bolivia but I will try.

  2. I believe you peed on TWO couches... in one 6 hour period...

    Just clarifying.
