Monday, May 3, 2010

The Carleton and Andy new Regime

Just in case some loose eyes are watching I decided to hide the identities of certain people.

So in case you alumni haven't heard Ode ball got shut down by security last week. It didn't seem like a big deal especially since 2 of the kegs were pretty much tapped and the third was about 3/4 done, which Marco's housemate ended up saving in his fridge for like 2 days afterward. It was actually pretty hilarious because it was evident that security had taken the time to scout out the scene and plan out their raid as if they were a swat team. The security van came in through one side while two security guards on bikes sprinted in through the other side. It was probably the most priceless thing I've seen security do. They even held the kegs for us/confiscated them. They explained that they were only doing their jobs, which is true. Since the new head of Campus Activities started he has been strict about busting any unregistered party. We all figured we would just have to talk to the dean and we would get a slap on the wrist since they took my name and Maco's name down. However typical Ode freshmen girl got way to trashed and ended up going to the hospital at 7:00pm. We were a bit worried for the girl, but figured everything would end up okay. So me and Marco proceeded to continue drinking and destroyed parts of Fieldnorth as the night progressed.

Well it turns out that girl had to talk to the Odaf dean since she went to the hospital. She apparently spilled her guts out and explained the entire operation. The Odaf dean called the Barleton dean who eventually called Da Clarkster (Oh Shit!). Mark eventually received an e-mail from our dean to come in and talk about the situation. After speaking with her Marco decided to contact Da Clarkster and talk to him about the incident. Before this conference happened the new and old captains decided to have our own little summit so that everyone got briefed on what the dean said and to get Marco ready for Da Clarkster. We agreed that the whole incident was just an unfortunate event, and we were all sorry that this was reflected on the swim team name. Marco came back from the meeting however explaining how Da Clarkster seemed like he wanted to make some very drastic changes. According to Marco, Da Clarkster was thinking of prohibiting alcohol use at any of the swim team functions. Marco stood his ground and explained many of the disadvantages to this new policy. This might have made Da Clarkster think but he did make it clear though that if some people were not willing to follow whatever policy he implements then there is no room on the team for that person. Several of us have mentioned how this is going to effect the team if he does not allow us to drink. I think the new captains would like to compromise some but not to much. After all Da Clarkster is the only coach on this campus who is making such a big deal about this issue. According to Marco even the dean said we can have parties but to just register them. What do you guys think should be said to Da Clarkster to try and save many of the traditions that have made every year so special, because many of them are in danger.

I just received an e-mail by the dean here at Barleton a few hours ago to come in and meet with her about the issue. I'm not exactly sure what she is going to ask me but it will be interesting to see how the next few weeks unfold especially with some of the events that are planned for the rest of the term.


  1. now ya fucked up. (x3)

    you have fucked up now.

  2. I'll try to give a little view from several angles.

    First, you should keep in mind that the traditions mean a lot more to you than they do to any freshman or prospective student. I think you should think about them and make sure they are healthy traditions and not just traditions for the sake of tradition.

    On the other hand, I think we need to realize that the drinking culture at Carleton and on the swim team in particular is generally much less unhealthy than it is elsewhere. (My evidence for this is mostly anecdotal, but I still think it is true. I know the Oles, the Johnnies, and probably a lot of other teams generally go out drinking on New Years in the middle of their training trips. I had a friend who swam at Williams and it sounded like the freshman are taken out early in the year and basically fed alcohol until they are completely smashed. This type of thing isn't, and shouldn't be tradition at Carleton.) Still, the administration or Clarkster isn't always that receptive to hearing "it's really not that bad compared to ____" after an incident. But maybe you can find a way to ease some of their concerns without reducing swim team events to a few dry get-togethers.

    Also, the conference party has been registered before when it was in Parish. Although not as intimate as Dow, it was still nearly as fun. I don't know if the administration is getting stricter at making you actually police registered events though. That would kind of suck a lot of the fun out of it.

    Man I would hate for Carleton to turn into U Chicago.

    Also, I still hate that one asshole Security guy as much as ever. I can imagine him excitedly planning the whole "sting" operation and then going home and climaxing to a fantasy of Jack Bauer while watching a marathon of 24 on DVD.

  3. for those who have the ability, my version of what happened on oleball is in the drafts section of the blog list... fyi.

    Junior Captain are meeting with him again later this week.

  4. I have stories about that Security guy that don't belong on the blog... To put it concisely, he likes to wear black, sneak around the arb late at night, and jump out at people. Dick.

  5. I am going to go ahead and agree with Ted on this one.

    Drinking a lot should not be what the traditions are all about. Yes men's team 40's and The Cocktail Party revolve around booze, but at the same time, they are a time where the team comes together and celebrates college life.

    I believe the best way to approach Da Clarkster aka Arthur Fonzareli, is to hold yourselves accountable. Take responsibility for what happened and admit that what you did wasn't the smartest thing (3 kegs is pretty excessive for Ole ball)

    The only thing I am going to disagree with Ted on is the security guy went home and watched CSI Miami and then masturbated to his power point presentation he gave the security team before "the sting"

  6. Okay, no offense to Alfie, but I don't know if he got across the most accurate sense of what Arthur's position is and what I already said to Clarkster to you readers. I would love to explain these things to others if they so desire, but via blog commenting is not the most effective or appropriate manner.

  7. What did that security dick say to you and Tim? Didn't he trick you guys or something?

  8. Well put Ted. Well put Dave.

    Let's reiterate:

    Take responsibility for what happened at Ole ball when facing the Clarkster.

    Powerpoint plans written by Carleton Security are amazing.

    Try to work with the Clarkster to come up with an alcohol policy for the team; maybe limit it to in-season/out-of-season?

    Most importantly, from one who has been drinking too much recently, your livers are still young and supple. Drinking is much less fun four days out of six when you're old and grizzled.

    CAW to the mothership.

