Saturday, July 18, 2009

On an entirely similar musical note...

We all know who Radiohead is. We all know who Jay-Z is. But who knew about Jaydiohead? Yes, yet another album mixing Jay-Z's Black Album with another artist has been released. I was never a huge fan of The Grey Album, and it hardly needs to be said that I hated Linkin Park + Jay-Z. But something about mixing Radiohead and Jay-Z was very appealing. And it's unbelievably great.

Like Illinoize, these songs sound like they were originally written for each other, which is rather hard to accomplish with Radiohead songs like "The National Anthem," "I Might Be Wrong," and I have to say that the "Black Swan" mix is unbelievable. On the second album, there are 2 fantastic mixes of "There There" and "Backdrifts."
There are 2 albums for free download.

1 comment:

  1. the results are in: jaydiohead is sweet.
