Friday, April 3, 2009

Life Under The Bleachers

One of the largest structures on Carleton's campus is Laird Stadium. The brick structure is the 11th largest Division 3 football stadium. Moreover, the stadium was originally built as a half of a stadium for later expansion as Carleton made a bid to join the Big Ten.
Aside from the storied history of the building, Laird Stadium boasts one of the most unique features of a college stadium; student apartments. Imagine during college football season being able to walk outside your door and be right down on the field. Also imagine that instead of a lounge, usually populated by people fighting over the remote to the television, you have a weight lifting facility known as "The Cage".
Contrary to life in the dorms, Stadium life offers an escape from the mundane. You don't have people reading in the hallways. You don't have "study breaks" in which the RA comes around and tries to get you out of bed. Essentially, life in stadium offers its residents independence.
Even though stadium is only home to 15 or so residents, it often becomes the social hub on weekends. The larger apartments often throw some of the most fun parties on campus. Thanks to its rather isolated location, the noise in stadium does not reach the ears of those who usually break up events.
I am writing this because all of this will not be available starting in the fall of 2009. As of the end of the final term of this year, stadium is closing it's doors to students. Its a shame because one of the most fun and interesting places to live will not be able to be enjoyed by future generations.

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