Sunday, February 6, 2011

Baby fish

About a week ago, one of my fish gave birth. So now there are about 20 baby fish (called fry) in my 10 gallon tank.

Here is a video of them at one week old eating (warning: very boring).

Also, for Ted and Toto, note that the background in the back left corner is a cover of Science. I plan on filling the rest of the background with science magazine covers that look "natural."


  1. Sweet fish. I have almost four years of Science in my closet if you want any...

  2. Sorry Will and David, I forgot ya'll were scientists too.

    Will, my dad gets the magazine, so I don't need yours. However, if you find yourself bored out of your mind, by all means go through them and look for ones that look like plant matter or underwater or whatever. Make sure you bring a big jar of peanut butter for the task...

    This is the cover that is there right now:

    Mark, I had to move the momma out because most fish eat their young (hence the large amount of babies). There are so species that guard them and chase all the other fish away, but they are less friendly.
