Friday, November 6, 2009

Taste The Rainbow: The Story

The biggest problem I have had with film school is that I don't get to write a lot, or for that matter read very much. So please excuse me if my writing seems sub-par.

When I got the text that said: "FYI Gentleman. Some of us are tasting the rainbow this weekend.", I could not help but question how many of those people participating actually knew the true history of Tasting the Rainbow. Well, that is what I am about to relate to you.

The origins of the rainbow date back in 2005 at the start of "The Flock's" freshman year. With no one of legal age to purchase alcohol for us, Tim, Elliot, Ted, and myself were forced to ask upon Will aka "The Shepard" to buy for us. With no idea what we liked we decided to try out everything. We had a "we have gold in our bodies" evening consisting of gold schlager and cider; a rum evening, and a couple other failed experiments. Then one evening, as if receiving a signal from a higher power, we decided as a group to get two flavors of Schmirnoff Vodka; our choice, one citrus and one orange. We never looked back, and for that matter probably generated enough revenue for Firehouse workers to put six kids through college.

The first time the nectar hit our lips we knew we had found something great. Vodka that you could mix with almost anything and it would taste good. So, what to do with our new found discovery? At first we played with the basics like mixing the flavored vodka with soda, juice, etc..then we got creative. Strawberry Sunday toppings fanta with lemonade powder, you name it, we mixed it.

Every weekend not only brought a chance for us to try new flavors, but make new drinks as well. Eventually, our flavored vodka palette seemed to have reached a climax. Over the next three years what began as two bottles a weekend slowly trickled to virtually no bottles. Many of us took a respite from the flavorful sensations we once championed.

Then in true Stadium 110 fashion, an older "Flock" decided to push the limits. As we all sat around our obnoxiously big living room the old gang decided to reminisce about the good old days. I remember Tim saying "Man when we were freshman we used to drink two bottles a weekend". All of a sudden, all our heads seemed to think as one. Why not buy as many flavors as possible and have one last hurrah to the liquor that had once made our nights magical. Thus, the first taste the rainbow was born.

That faithful night as the entire flock and some new members sat around the table in our Zubaz we knew we were about to embark upon a special journey. 20 minutes into the adventure, I, as was in my typical fashion, sneaked away to make room for the other flavors. As the rainbow began to fade, we knew we had to share our adventure with the world. As we "journeyed" from Stadium to the swim town house, the 7 or 8 of us knew we had accomplished more in that hour than most people achieved their whole time in college.

I don't need to go into details about the rest of the evening; mostly because I don't remember much of what happened. What I do know is we made that party better, we made Carleton better, we made Stadium 110 brighter in the constellation of great landmarks on campus, we started what will soon become a grand tradition.


  1. that post made me so happy - an excellent description of the history of tasting the rainbow.

    in other news, i'm mustering the energy to post about my life at some point in the near future.

  2. its about time that this important piece of history be documented.

  3. I've almost forgotten how legendary Freshman year was

  4. freshman year: never forget.

  5. Freshman year was before youtube...we actually had to go to Gunther's website and google search someone's webpage that had the call on me video.

  6. I don't think freshman year was before youtube, but it definitely wasn't as good yet as evidenced by the lack of Gunther and Call On Me.

    Also, there was abundant music piracy over the Carleton network Freshman year. Good times

  7. when elliot claimed that freshman year was before youtube, i too was skeptical. but, i looked it up, and it turns out youtube made it's debut in november of 2005. freshman fall was, in fact, before youtube.

    i have nothing to do.

  8. Ok I looked it up now too; it went Beta in May, but wasn't officially launched until November.

    Wow, weird.

  9. what the hell? Regardless, we hardly ever used youtube.

  10. true. nobody used youtube until google bought it.
