Saturday, March 21, 2009


Now to talk a bit about the OTHER competition that occured in the past couple of days besides nationals...

Of course I'm talking about the "Favorite Stadium 110 Resident Poll."

After a tense two weeks or so, the Results are in...

(drumroll please)

The winner with 26 votes is... BK!
2nd goes to Toto with 23 votes.
3rd - Yours Truly with 14
4th - Ted - 13
5th - Nonberg with 6

There have been some reports of foul play, however nothing has been confirmed and no one has admitted cheating. However, one thing is certain; with the favorite resident now not living in the room anymore... who will now be the favorite resident? Will 2nd place Toto take his assumed position at the top? Or will Alfredo, our soon-to-be-roommate sweep in and win the hearts of tens of people to win the title.

Stay tuned and find out.

Also, keep an eye out for our next poll - coming March 30th, 2009.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to stuff the ballot box next time.
    Much love from DC,
