Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bears on skates!

The most popular article on the BBC tonight is about a Russian circus trainer who was mauled and killed by a bear that he was training to ice skate (the bear was wearing skates when it mauled him). Here is the last line of the article:
"Bears on ice are common in Russian circuses. Some are equipped with helmets and sticks and trained to play hockey."
This led me to do a google search, which quickly led me to this:

Did you see any ice-skating bears in Russia BK?

They are surprisingly good, although the goalie is a bit lazy.


  1. oh my god. I have never EVER seen a video like that. Such a good find!

  2. I saw bears performing tricks, but never playing hockey and skating. Holy shit, Russians are crazy with bears.

  3. and of course a bear fight breaks out at the bear hockey match

  4. Man, I wish we had a cooler american national animal. Although I really like the Bald Eagle (you guys know how patriotic i am), I do wish our national figure could play a team sport.
