Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bored to Death

Just to set the record straight, I am not bored to death. Rather, tonight I watched a new HBO series called Bored to Death. I know we normally talk about music, but I really like this show. I'm going to try to tell you all why...

Let me start by telling you about the characters in the show. The main character is a thoughtful, loving, sensitive pothead and alcoholic. He is also kind of a loser and has reminds me of the Shepard. Not because he's a loser, but because of his haircut. He is bored with his life and attempting to get over a breakup, so he decided to start being a detective on the side by posting an ad on Craig's list advertising himself as an unlicensed private investigator. He is very unprofessional but his heart is in the right place.
His best friend is the weird guy from the Hangover. By weird guy, I mean best character. Anyway, only two episodes have aired, so they haven't really developed his character as much. He's funny though.
The main character's boss is Ted Danson. I don't really know what the company is, but he and the main character get high and drink quite a bit. Everything that happens to him is funnier because he's Ted Danson. Plus, I suppose Ted Danson himself plays the role quite well.

I know I said that I'd start by telling you about the characters, which would imply that I was going to go on about something else, but I don't want to give anything away. If you are a skeptic about this show at least watch the 2nd episode (I watched it first, then I watched the pilot, and I thought the 2nd one was way better. You know, after the pilot gets taken up they have to make some changes at HBO's request or something). Just remember this too. When has HBO ever let you down? C'mon. I will warn you though. It is VERY different from shows like the Sopranos and the Wire. My friend and I found ourselves laughing way more than we did in Entourage and Flight of the Conchords...or at least as equally as we did in the conchords.

After you watch it, leave a comment and tell me what you think. The main character is just so lovably clueless.


  1. That show is funny. At least the first episode. BK, have you ever seen the tv series called the Boondocks? It's based off the comic strip, but it is NOTHING like the comic strip.

  2. I have heard good things about the show, but I can't afford to get HBO right now.

  3. Yeah I've seen it on Adult Swim a few times. I'm not that big a fan, I must admit. Do you like it?

  4. I don't even own a tv right now.

  5. of the benefits of having roommates is that they bring lots of stuff with TVs and xbox 360s...

    I am a fan of the boondocks. I think its hysterical. Of course, you've got to have a session before watching to really appreciate it.
